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Holotropic Breathwork -weekend retreat
27.-29.9. Kivilahden Hyvinvointikeskus, Suolahti, Jyväskylä area

Price of the retreat:

Full price: 470€ / Earlybird 430€ until 15.9.

Student / unemployed / senior citizen price:

410€ / Earlybird 370€ until 15.9.

-5€ discount when bringing your own linen

(10€ discount from all ticket groups for HB Finland ry members)

(Prices includes 10% VAT)

Tippatehtaanpolku 34, 44200 Suolahti

Welcome to dive deep within in this full board retreat at Kivilahti Wellbeing Center! Holotropic Breathwork is a powerful method of self-exploration, which helps us to connect more deeply with our inner healing wisdom. During the retreat you can surrender to your inner process with your own pace and style in a safe, supportive and non-judgemental space. On Friday we will land softly to the venue, meet the group and prepare for the inner journeys. On Saturday there will be two breathing sessions, in which each participant will be breathing in one session and sitting for the breather-partner in one. On Sunday we will have proper time for the integration-process.


Retreat takes place in the Kivilahden Hyvinvointikeskus close to beautiful nature in Suolahti ( ,Tippatehtaanpolku 34, 44200 Suolahti. There is a forty minute drive from Jyväskylä and an hour and a forty minute drive from Kuopio, and the nearest bus stop is located two kilometers away from the venue. If needed, we can pick you up from there. Accommodation happens in two person rooms. With extra cost (90€) you can get a private room. Tasty vegetarian food is included in the price. There is also a sauna close to a beautiful lake Keitele at our use. 


No previous experience of Holotropic Breathwork is required. We will use english and/or finnish languages, depending on the language of the participants. Translation is provided if needed.



Preliminary schedule



16:30-17:00 Registration

17:00-21:00 Opening the retreat, dinner, practices to prepare for the inner journeys

21:00-23:00 Own time / sauna



8:00 Breakfast

9:00-21:00 2 x Breathing sessions, starting the integration 

21:00-23:00 Own time / sauna



8:00 Breakfast

9:00-14:00 Deepening the integration

14:00 Lunch


How to reserve your place in the Retreat:


1. Fill the Registration form and Medical form from the link below


The purpose of the Medical form is to make sure it is safe for you to participate in the retreat and that we can support your process in the best possible way. Please answer honestly. If any question is unclear to you, ask us for clarification.


2. Pay the Deposit fee (50€) or the whole payment of the retreat

(Payment details below)


Your place will be confirmed after you have filled the registration and medical forms and paid the deposit fee (50€) or the whole payment of the retreat. We will send you a confirmation email after you have filled the forms and we have got your payment.


If you participate for the first time in our events, we will send you a video “Introductory lecture to Holotropic Breathwork” which you need to watch before the retreat. We will also interview all the new participants before the retreat. If you have any doubts or questions, just contact us. If you have been breathing with us before, but you would like to talk with us before the retreat, or if in your life situation has happened some changes we should be aware of, just contact us.


Payment information


Price of the retreat (including the deposit fee 50€):

Full price: 470€ / Earlybird 430€ until 15.9.

Student / unemployed / senior citizen price:

410€ / Earlybird 370€ until 15.9.

-5€ discount when bringing your own linen

(10€ discount from all ticket groups for HB Finland ry members)

(Prices includes 10% VAT)


Bank information

Account owner: Holotropic Breathwork Finland ry

Address of the company: Parkinkatu 7 as 1, 20500 Turku, Finland

IBAN: FI20 7997 7990 1619 57


Amount(€): retreat price / deposit fee (50€)

Message: Retreat 9/24 + Your full name 


If you have problems with the payments or you would like to participate but your financial situation doesn’t allow it, just contact us so we can try to find a good solution.  If you pay just the deposit fee, you need to pay the rest of the payment latest in registration, where you can pay with cash or card. If you need to cancel your participation in the retreat for any reason, we will refund your payment fully if the cancellation is done before 15.9. If the cancellation is done after that, we will keep the reservation fee.


Because the breathing-sessions can be emotionally or physically intense, it is not recommended for safety reasons for pregnant women, people with heart-problems and very high blood pressure, with strong psychiatric illnesses, with ongoing spiritual emergencies, with recent fractures or surgical operations, with acute infections or epileptics. If you are not sure if this method is safe for you, consult your physician/therapist or contact us so we can discuss your situation.



Facilitators of the retreat










Valde Orrenmaa

Certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitator (GTT)

Transpersonal consult, cognitive brief-therapist, science of religion (M.A.)

Chairman of HB Finland ry


Valde is a communal mystic living in Kaarina, who is drawn to depth and the practice of compassion. He has worked with individuals and groups in the areas of healing, inner growth, meditation, and therapeutic states of consciousness. As a facilitator he has calm, gentle and strong presence. He graduated from the Grof Transpersonal Training in 2019 as a facilitator of Holotropic Breathwork and a transpersonal consultant. The holotropic perspective has given him a deep understanding of the inner wisdom present in everyone, as well as the importance of creating an accepting, supportive, and safe space for personal growth. Valde is a cognitive brief-therapist and has a masters degree in science of religion, and has specialized in unusual states of consciousness and experiences. He has also worked as a trainer and event coordinator at the Finnish psycare organization Kotilo, volunteered in terminal care, and is currently studying to become a mindfulness instructor. Valde finds joy in nature, meditation, music, dance, karate, and in authentic connections with other beings.






Jussi Alihanka


Certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitator (GTT) 

Psychiatrist, Specialist in addiction medicine, integrative psychotherapist, 

Vice President of HB Finland ry

Jussi is originally from Rymättylä in the Turku archipelago and now lives in Kemiönsaari.   He graduated from Grof Transpersonal Training as a Holotropic Breathwork facilitator in spring 2023 and co-founded Holotropic Breathwork Finland together with Valde in 2018. Jussi's interest towards altered states of consciousness and working with them has born out from personal integrative experiences. These experiences have also guided Jussi to explore different ways of perceiving and understanding the human experience. Key elements in Jussi's work are safety and the concept of 'Inner Wisdom', which seeks to describe the spontaneous tendency of the human body, mind and soul to heal and grow. 

He believes that Holotropic Breathwork and its principles have a lot to offer for psychotherapy, healing, growth and increasing self-awareness and therefore aims to make the method better known and to increase its accessibility in Finland.













Iida Hokkanen


Holotropic Breathwork facilitator (GTT) trainee

Somatic Experiencing - Embodied trauma therapy trainee, breath coach, nature connection guide, HR professional

Board Member and Social Media of HB Finland ry


Iida discovered Holotropic breathwork in 2019 and since then the method has been a significant part of her own healing journey. The safe, loving and empowering breathwork community has felt so much like home that she was inspired to start the holotropic breathwork facilitator training in 2022. 


Enabling holistic well being and body-mind-soul coherence for individuals, groups and communities is Iida’s calling. She is a nature connection guide, a certified breath coach and started training to become a Somatic Experiencing embodied trauma therapist. Her ways for connecting with authentic self include exploring voice,  movement, conscious breathing and experiencing the nature.


In her daily life Iida is a Human Resource professional, mother and a dog person.

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