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Double Holotropic Breathwork -retreat

Tietoisuuden Tila, Kemiönsaari, 5.-8.3.

Event also in facebook

Tietoisuuden Tila

Merikodintie 20, 25830 Västanfjärd, Kemiönsaari

Price of the workshop (including the deposit fee 50€):


Full price: 370€ / Earlybird 340€ until 29.2.

Student / unemployed / senior citizen price:

340€ / Earlybird 310€ until 29.2.


(10€ discount from all ticket groups for HB Finland ry members)

(Prices includes 10% VAT)

This holotropic retreat is held in Tietoisuuden Tila -retreat center in Kemiö-island, surrounded by beautiful nature of archipelago. On Thursday we will let us land soflty to the venue and prepare for the breathing journeys.  Both Friday and Saturday there will be two breathing sessions, in which each participants will be breathing and sitting in one session for both days. On Sunday we will focus on integration, how to get the wisdom and insights from journeys to be part of our everyday lives. Accommodation and tasty vegetarian food is included in the workshop, so you can surrender to your inner process with your whole being and devote this long weekend for your well-being. On the evenings there is possibility for sauna and swimming. There is space for 18 participants. Former experience of breathwork is not required, in fact double breathwork is excellent way to get to know to this method in-depth. Workshop is held in english and translated in finnish if necessary. Accommodation will be in shared rooms, there is also few private rooms available which will cost 30€ extra (payment in registration). We try to organize shared car rides to the venue, but if needed, we can pick you up from Kemiönsaari bus-station.

Preliminary schedule



17:00-21:00 Registration, opening of the workshop and preparation for HB sessions



9:00-21:00 2 x breathing session and talking circle



9:00-21:00 2 x breathing session and talking circle



9:00-14:30 Integration and closing the workshop

How to reserve your place in the Workshop


1. Fill the Registration form and Medical form from the link below


2. Pay the Deposit fee (50€) or the whole payment of the workshop

(Payment details below)


Your place will be confirmed after you have filled the registration and medical forms and payed the deposit fee or the whole payment of the workshop. If the workshop is gets full, there will be a waiting list.


The purpose of Medical form is to survey your relevant background information and possible contraindications for the workshop. This helps us to ensure that you can participate safely to the workshop and that we can support your process safely during and after the workshop. If you answer “yes” to some question, it doesn't automatically mean, that you cannot participate. In such a case we are going to get in touch with you so we can try to find together a safe way for you to participate. If some question is unclear to you, ask us for clarification.


We will interview all the participants, who have not been before in our workshops. It is also an good opportunity to ask questions or express any thoughts regarding the workshop. If you have been breathing with us before but you would like to open your current situation better, feel free to contact us!


Payment information


Workshop prices:

Full price: 370€ // Earlybird 340€ until 29.2.

Student / unemployed / senior citizen price: 340€ // Earlybird 310€ until 29.2.

(10€ discount from all ticket groups for HB Finland ry members)

(Prices includes 10% VAT)

To receive your place in the workshop, you need to pay the deposit fee (50€) or the whole workshop price.

Bank information:

Account owner: Holotropic Breathwork Finland ry

Address of the company: Parkinkatu 7 as 1, 20500 Turku, Finland

IBAN: FI20 7997 7990 1619 57


Amount(€): Workshop price (370€/340€/310€) / deposit fee (50€)

Message: Workshop 3/20 + Your full name 


It is also possible to pay the workshop in cash but in this case we wish that you could pay reservation fee to our account and the rest of the payment when arriving to the workshop. 


If you have some problems with the payments or you would like to participate but your financial situation doesn’t allow it, just contact us so we can try to find good solution.


If you would like to sleep in private room, you can choose it in registration form or you can send email to us about it. Private room for weekend costs 30€, payment with cash in registration. There is limited amount of private rooms, so we cannot guarantee that everyone interested in would get one.


Deposit- / cancellation fee 50€

If you need for some reason to cancel your participation to the workshop, we will refund your payment fully if the cancellation is done before 21.2. If the cancellation is done after that, we will need to keep the reservation fee.


Because in the breathing-sessions there can be sometimes strong emotional and physical experiences, for safety reasons it is not generally recommended for pregnant women, people with heart-problems and very high blood pressure, with strong psychiatric illnesses, with recent fractures or surgical operations, with acute infections or epileptics. If you are not sure if this workshop is safe for you, just contact us so we can discuss about your situation.

Facilitators of the workshop

Tomasz (Tomek) Kwiecinski started his work with Holotropic Breathwork in 2010 and become certified in 2015. He is founder of Holotropic Poland, very passionate about combining holotropic breathwork with traditional deep psychology tools and life coaching. Also involved in traditional shamanic ceremonies and supporting artists on their way. He leaded, facilitated and was apprentice on workshops in USA, Colombia and 9 european countries. As a participant, he spend about 300 days in several workshops - holotropic, coaching, massage therapy, shamanic, tantric, interpersonal trainings, relationships and business.
Privately loves nature, travels and sports.


Valde Orrenmaa lives in Finland, Kaarina, in little commune with his friends and cats. He started the Holotropic Breathwork training in summer 2016 and got certified in summer 2019. He has masters degree in comparative religion and has been academically and practically interested in non-ordinary states of consciousness, meditation, psychedelics, buddhism and other mystically oriented branches of religions. Lately he has been interested in the connection between music, singing and non-ordinary states of consciousness. Right now he is writing a book about former birth hospital in Turku. He loves meditation, biking in the forest, playing piano and genuine connection with other beings. 


Rachela Dobrzanska is now finishing her degree in Social psychology. Work with expanded states of consciousness fascinates her as a support of her own personal growth and a way to help others. In life she has been through a lot of traumatic experiences with which she then worked through during holotropic breathwork sessions in Poland, Russia and Spain. That inspired and push her to begin Grof Transpersonal Training and to support other along their path. In everyday life she own her own company, producing and selling organic cosmetics. She’s also a make up artist. She share’s her flat with twelve adopted little paws. She is a huge animal and nature lover.

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